An Introduction to Permaculture


Permaculture, a compound of “permanent” and “agriculture,” is a way to grow food that goes beyond organic gardening and creates sustainable food forest ecosystems that will produce for many generations to come. But permaculture is so much more than agriculture, and it isn’t just about plants. It’s also about whole-system design. It’s about creating abundant human habitats in our homes and local bioregions, that provide for us while still protecting and regenerating the natural environment. It starts with the plants and expands into every aspect of your life.

Do you ever think about the fact that, no matter what you do, all day every day, you are impacting the environment? Every action has a reaction, and every movement, every placement of an object, every planting of a seed provokes a ripple effect, for good or for ill.

Learning how to see the world through the eyes of an ecological designer is the first step to becoming more sustainable, more resilient, and more abundant, and permaculture gives us a way to empower change in ourselves and others, and to break out of the cycle of apathy and overwhelm. Especially now, with so many urgent issues in front of us as a humanity, permaculture gives us the toolkit we need to take action.

This course will show you how you can use permaculture principles to solve problems in all aspects of your life, and these are the main questions this course was created to help you answer:

  • What is permaculture and how can you start doing it?
  • How does design thinking create new opportunities?
  • How do you start a permaculture garden if you rent or live in an apartment?
  • How much land do you need to do permaculture?
  • What do you look for when assessing a site for permaculture?
  • What is a step by step permaculture process that works for any project?
  • How can you find more free permaculture courses and resources going forward?


This Permaculture course/training is intended for anyone interested in a sustainable lifestyle.


Daily motivational activities, self-improvement, group and pair work, simulations, and networking will all be a part of the training (course) methodology in addition to outdoor activities. Lectures, seminars, and workshops will be included in the training (course) to provide thorough understanding and daily assignment support. At the conclusion of the course, we will give each participant an attendance certificate that includes specific details about the course, such as the title, curriculum, and timetable. A Europass Mobility Certificate may also be included upon request.


The following Agenda will be followed during a seven full day training program:  

This course offers a deep understanding of what Permaculture is and practical ways to apply it in the spaces around us and transform our Urban & Rural Scapes into Sustainable systems that can manage themselves! Permaculture is not just a farming technique; it is a way of thinking and being that will help us transform our cities and farmlands into sustainable ecosystems that are fully autonomous like an independent forest without human intervention! 

An Introduction to Permaculture Course includes:

  1. Introduction: What is Permaculture
  2. Permaculture Principles
  3. Ethics of Permaculture Design
  4. Natural Systems Design
  5. How to get started with Permaculture?


At the end of this course, the participants will be provided with enough information about:

  • the Ethics and Principles of Permaculture Design
  • the basics of Natural Systems Design and Ecological Design
  • the ways to make positive changes to their home environment and site with regard to sustainability, recycling, disposal of wastes, and energy use
  • how to make the most out of their available resources.
  • how to read the landscape and recognize patterns and opportunities.
  • finding and connecting with like-minded people.
  • how to look at a whole system, so that when problems arise, whether in the garden, home, or beyond, you can find solutions that work in the long term.


  • Certificate of attendance including description of training content and time input
  • Certificate of Obtained Competencies
  • Europass mobility certificates