2017-1-TR01-KA201 045670

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Erasmus + KA201 School Education Strategic Partnerships


The kindergarten concept has been changing rapidly recently. There is tendency that education activities are transferring to the outdoors. Therefore, new and alternative approaches such as Nature Kindergartens and Forest Kindergartens continue to be popular. In this project, we offer a new and alternative kindergarten. ‘Ecological Farm Kindergartens’ project is an original and innovative project that aims to increase the skills of kindergarten teachers and children in order to carry out more effective farm activities.

Seven countries are involved in this project with a total of 925 children aged 2-7 and 85 teachers and teacher assistants with different experience, knowledge, beliefs, but common educational ideals.

The objectives will be as follows:

  1. TO OBTAIN PRACTICAL AND APPLICABLE SKILLS for our teachers and children on farming activities.
  2. TO EQUIP OUR CHILDREN WITH AGRICULTURAL TASKS, to observe the cycle of life first hand.
  3. TO NURTURE OUR CHILDREN’S LOVE FOR ANIMALS especially FARM ANIMALS to build connection, empathy and stewardship.
  4. TO RAISE OUR CHILDREN’S ECOLOGICAL AWARENESS through different tasks on 4 elements and pollination to help them to shape sustainable future.
  5. TO ENGAGE OUR CHILDREN IN ENGLISH CLASSES with the theme on ‘Farm Life’.
  6. TO IMPROVE OUR EDUCATIONAL PRACTICES via collaboration with other colleagues from different Eco Farm Kindergartens.

In order to achieve these objectives, we have chosen 4 main topics for which we will develop four workshops:

  1. Four Elements (Earth, Sun, Water and Air) in the Nature
  2. Flowers and Flower-visiting Insects
  3. Our Happy Farm Animals
  4. Learn, Grow, Harvest and Eat.

Nearly all aspects of the program were implemented outside. Growing veggies and fruits, catering animals, watering flowers, observing flower-visiting insects and pollination helped most children feel the sights, sounds and smells of the Farm Life. By cooking their harvested crops, children learned the importance of organic food and healthy eating.  All Project Outputs are useful for policy-makers and practitioners all around Europe who have an interest in alternative approaches in early childhood education.

Project Coordinator:

Döşemealtı Municipality Ekolojik Kreş-TURKEY

Project Partners:

Võsukese Lasteaed-ESTONIA

Corte Verde- ITALY

Alytus Kindergarten Volungele-LITHUANIA

Haugland gardsbarnehage-NORWAY

CELFF-Colégio Guadalupe-PORTUGAL

Gradinita cu Program Prelungit Numarul 8-ROMANIA