
Erasmus + KA201 School Education Strategic Partnerships


Things we do to live comfortably can affect the world around us, and the quantity of garbage we produce every day is something we should take more care of. Little actions and care from each individual can radically change humanity’s impact on our planet. In order to reduce our continuous production of waste and to apply a real sustainable development, it is necessary that we make changes in our consumption habits, daily behaviour, lifestyle and ways of doing things. And the sooner we learn how to make these changes; the better will be for our planet. That’s why we want to start from very early childhood: kindergarten education.

The seven partner kindergartens are from Iceland, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Poland, Norway and Turkey, all of them are already very active on environmental education and recycling activities, with a total of about 400 children and 150 school staff members involved in this project. We are the perfect team to identify, develop and test the 3Rs best practices (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) with children aged 2-7 years. In the 7 partner countries educators will engage children in opportunities to learn about environment, 3Rs and sustainability, involving families and local communities.

Our main aims and desired impacts in short:

-connecting our children with the wonders of nature and create environmental awareness to respect and protect our planet,

-improving competence and skills in environmental education of kindergarten teachers,

-consolidating and disseminating the 3Rs best practices to kindergartens children and teachers, but also to their families and local communities,

-exchanging good practices among different countries,

-raising awareness in children and families about the impact that products we use have on environment, and become aware of how little changes in our lifestyle can help our planet to stay healthy,

-rooting all good habits learnt during the project to make them a permanent lifestyle and curriculum program in our kindergartens,

-improving, consolidating and disseminating new teaching methods for 3Rs best practices in kindergartens,

-increasing the quality level in our kindergartens,

-creating a stronger feeling of belonging to the European Community and therefore continue improving our performances as teachers and educators.

“Those who are crazy enough to think they can change the world usually do” (Steve Jobs).

Project Coordinator:

– Leikskólinn Akrasel-ICELAND

Project Partners:

– Кindergarten Kalina Malina-BULGARIA

-1st Special Nursery School of Patras-GREECE

– Haugland gardsbarnehage-NORWAY

-Kezban Mercan Anaokulu-TURKEY

– Przedszkole nr 32 z oddzialami intregracyjnymi w Koninie-POLAND

-Corte Verde-ITALY