The second European Soil Mission Week took place in Brussels from 12-13 November 2024, followed by a special side event for Soil Mission projects on 14 November.
What does soil mean to you? At the Soil Mission Week events in Brussels, reflections on this question were translated into a vivid visual by Blanche illustrates
Soil Mission Week highlighted important steps in soil health work:
✅ 50 research projects that drive innovation
✅ Establishment of 25 Life Laboratories
✅ Progress towards harmonized soil monitoring across the EU
✅ Active Earth Ambassadors inspire change
This annual meeting brings together the European soil community (researchers, policy makers, farmers, foresters, land managers, businesses and the public) to address challenges and explore solutions to restore soil health. The LOESS project, which aims to increase soil literacy and in which ANS Training and Consultancy is a partner, was represented at this meeting by German, Spanish, Serbian, and Slovak project partners.